Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to All Your Inquiries
What ages can play lacrosse for MCC?
At MCC Lacrosse we have junior teams ranging from Under 10 to Under 18, with both Boys and Girls teams. We also have children as young as 8 years old getting involved in junior training on Mondays and Thursdays. Members of Under 16 and Under 18 teams may also be invited to compete with our adult Men’s and Women’s teams. Our goal is to ensure that all children have fun as they develop their lacrosse skills in a team environment at MCC Lacrosse.
Do I have to pay for lacrosse equipment?
MCC Lacrosse provides the essential lacrosse equipment for the season for juniors who are learning lacrosse, including a stick and gloves. Members of U12 and up Boys teams are also provided with a helmet, and members of U12 and up Girls teams are provided with goggles. For players in their second year of U14 and above, they are expected to purchase their own equipment, including helmet, gloves, shoulder pads and armpads. We offer access to discounted high quality equipment for purchase.
When & where is training?
MCC Lacrosse junior teams all train on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, with all junior training from 5:30-6:30pm. Training is held on our Multi-Purpose Pitch (MPP) at Beaumaris Secondary College, Reserve Rd, Beaumaris.
What clothing should my child wear for games?
MCC Lacrosse provides each player with a uniform jumper. Families are expected to buy navy blue shorts and red socks (i.e. same as Melbourne football club shorts & socks) and also provide a mouth‑guard and appropriate shoes (e.g. runners or football boots).
When & where are games? When does the season begin?
Under 10 teams play in city-wide lightning carnivals in June and August. U12, U14, U16 and U18 Boys teams play on Saturday mornings, with U12, U14 and U16 teams using the MPP as their home ground, and U18 based at the Albert Cricket Ground. Some U12/14/16 games are also held at the ALbert Cricket GRound throughout the year. All junior girls teams play on Sunday mornings using both the MPP and the Albert Cricket Ground as their home ground. Games will begin mid-April and run until the end of August. Specific times and locations for games will be provided closer to the season start.
How much does it cost to play lacrosse? How do we register and pay?
We try to keep costs to a minimum. Fees are set each year and are based on the age level. U10 is around $150 and U12 and up is around $300. Links to register and pay will be found on the website closer to the season.